Candace Feely

Candace Feely BA MA

Candace Feely

Candace is passionate about helping students improve their chance of admission by helping them improve their writing and their test scores. These elements are crucial for admission and for a better financial aid award package as well. To read more…

About Candace Feely continued…

Candace received a Bachelor of Arts in English Education and her teaching credential from Biola University in 2004. In 2006, she earned her Masters of Arts in Education. She is excited to be currently working toward her Certificate in College Counseling from UCLA.

Candace has been an educator for 10 years working in private, public, and charter schools. As a high school teacher, she found a passion for teaching students how to write, from composing creative stories to writing strong literary analysis compositions to mastering the on-demand essay. At SOAR College Planning Center, she works with students as they write their personal statements and prepare for the SAT and ACT essay, offering workshops and one-on-one tutoring and feedback. Along with providing support for the essay, she also teaches students how to best prepare for standardized tests.

While teaching high school, Candace realized the importance of helping her students do their very best on standardized testing. The best way to help them was simple: teach them short lessons, and then practice! She made it a priority to learn all she could about test prep and attended workshops and trainings herself, and then designated time to help her students. She is certain that if a student puts in the time and preparation, they will see results in their test scores.

In addition to being a teacher, tutor, and a consultant at SOAR College Planning Center, Candace is a musician, writer, and an involved member of her community. She believes that every person has a story to tell and passions to discover, and she has the joy of helping students do just that as they begin their college admissions journey.
