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Off to College – Pack your Bags

When Fall rolls around, there will be much joy, but also trepidation and even some gloom. Students are headed to college which will serve as their new home for the next 4 or more years. They are excited! Parents feel a plethora of emotions: excitement, fear, sadness, and loss of control. Students are usually ready for this change, but sometimes parents have a hard time dealing with this “loss”. There are some things students and parents can do to help alleviate some of these emotions. Check out these “must do’s”.

Students should meet their roommate and spend some time getting to know him/her/them. Most schools have a system for selecting and meeting the roommate. Attend orientation. Most schools let parents attend, but some do not. Students should also be sure they know the class registration process. Every school has a different process. Classes fill up quickly, so be sure you have carefully planned out what classes to take and have a backup plan in case your preferred class is full. Nor sure which professor? Check out www.ratemyprofessors.com. Try not to be too picky. Typically the 8:00am class is most available!

On many campuses, students can buy books early. This might save you some money.  The bookstore might have lists of what books are required for what classes. However, you might do better by checking out Amazon, Barnes and Noble, eFollett and even book rentals (www.chegg.com, www.campusbookrentals.com and www.bookrenter.com).

A few other things students should learn before packing their bags: How to do laundry, how to make a budget and how to handle money (balance a checkbook), how to use a calendar system; smart phone, day-timer, and how to take notes! A college schedule is much different than high school. You will have time between classes and maybe some days with no class at all. So learn to manage your time. 

Finally, it is important that you are safe. Have a buddy system and be sure someone (your roommate) knows your schedule. If you are having a “first-time” meeting, do it in public. If you are on campus after dark, know where the “blue light” phones are located. Keep your dorm room locked and have the campus security number programmed into your phone. Don’t share your personal information and don’t keep passwords and social security number on a sticky note over your desk. Exercise caution online and above all, be healthy! Pick the right meal plan, and make healthy choices. Do not drink and drive! Parents will need to get “permission” to communicate with the school once the student turns 18. 

Moving in can be a fun time for the family. Go shopping. (If you would like a suggested list of what to bring, send us an email and we will send you a list: 2soar2college@gmail.com) You will not have much room in the dorm so you must prioritize! It might be good to do some of your shopping after you get there so you  don’t have to haul it from home. Definitely bring a good computer (Windows 7 is out as of Jan 20, 2020)

Enjoy your last summer  before college. Spend time with family and friends. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done!!