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Juniors College To-Do List

Well, if you are a junior you have made it half way through your third year of high school, and if you are planning to go to college, the next 10 months are crucial in the planning process.  Do not make the mistake many juniors make in thinking that you don’t need to think about it until you begin your senior year. There is much to do starting now!

The first thing you need to do is to decide exactly what path you choose to walk. Will you go straight to work, go to college, or a combination of both? If you decide to go to college, will you go to a vocational school, community college, or four-year college or university? Maybe you will choose a military career.  It is important that you start to think about these choices NOW! For our purposes today, we will focus on “to-dos” for the students with aspirations of attending a 4 year college or university. 

Here are your “To-Dos”:

1. Maintain your grades and class rigor. For most colleges,  your sophomore and junior year classes and grades will be most important. 

2. Plan your testing schedule. With the new SAT being untested, at SOAR we are recommending that you focus on the ACT instead.  Be sure to prepare for this test. Not only does it affect admissions, but also increases  scholarships. If you want the best shot at the college of your choice, also consider the SAT Subject Tests and AP exams. 

3. Start a college list. Research each college. Visit if possible. Look at some colleges you have never heard of.  Don’t rule out the private colleges. Not only do they have more money to give students, but the likelihood of graduating in 4 years is much higher than it is at most state schools.

4. Continue with your extracurricular activities. Take them to the next level  by becoming a leader. Maybe organize a fundraiser or volunteer your talents in another way.

5.  Talk to your family about your college plans. Discuss finances.  Make sure they understand that financial aid at different colleges is NOT created equal. 

6. Start researching careers.  Big Future (College Board) is a great resource. There are hundreds of different majors/careers to choose from, most of which you have probably never heard of. Be open minded and understand the rigor of the major you choose. Math and science are usually the most challenging in college. Choose a major you are good at and that you enjoy.

Summer will be here before you know it, and it will be time to finalize your college list, start writing application essays and getting ready for the onslaught of “Fall Senior Year”.  This is a busy time for seniors, so get as much planning as possible done before Fall so that when school starts you can focus on grades and fun! Your senior year should be a time to build memories with your friends. Many of these friends will disappear from your life after high school, so enjoy, but stay focused!