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Avoid College Application Mania

Well now that school has started up again, many seniors, and their parents are beginning to hit the panic button about college applications! Filling out applications is a much more time-consuming task than most students and parents anticipate.  So not only is everyone stressed about not knowing how to do it, but also when they begin to do it, they realize that it is a more colossal job than they anticipated.  

The University of California application was available beginning August 1st. Start now. Go to the UC website and it will give you some things to gather before you begin. It will also give you instructions on how to fill it out.  You will not complete this in one sitting, so plan several (not including the essays/personal statements). Deadline for submission of UC applications is November 30th. I recommend that all students try to submit no later than November 15th

The Common Application is used by about 400 private schools. It was also available on August 1st. After you finish your UC application, begin the Common App. Once again, this will be a tedious task.  Plan ahead so you do not get too busy to do the best job possible. Do not procrastinate. Common Application deadlines vary depending on each college. Be sure to write down the deadlines for each college. Try to submit them early. 

The Cal State University (CSU) applications are not available until October 1st but once the other two (UC and Common App) are finished; the CSU application will be much easier. It requires no essays! Deadline is also November 30th for the CSUs.

Many colleges use their own applications, so check to see what is required.  Many schools also require letters of recommendation. Students should give their recommenders at least 2-3 weeks notice if they want to get the best recommendation.

A few final tips to make this overwhelming process less stressful:

  2. Choose 4-10 colleges to apply to. Be sure you have some that you are certain you can get into based on GPA and test scores of previous students admitted. You can usually find this information on the college websites. 
  3. Write your essays. Hopefully they were completed before school started.  Tell the colleges something you want them to know about you that was not included in any other sections of your application. Have someone proofread for you.
  4. Gather all materials before you begin. This includes transcripts, extra curricular activities, test scores, and completed essays if required. 
  5. Know how many letters of recommendation are required at each school. Ask someone to write them.
  6. Have your test scores sent. 
  7. If they want your transcript sent, request it from your counselor or the registrar. 
  8. Still stressed? Hire a professional to assist you.  

Applications matter. So give yourself plenty of time, and do your best!